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Development and Initial Validation of the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Communication Skills Assessment (STEM-CSA)

Dear Participant,

We are inviting you to participate in a research study being conducted by CareerWISE, a research group at Arizona State University (ASU) that is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Now in its fourth year, the CareerWISE research team has developed an internet based educational resource to support women as they survive and thrive in graduate programs in math, technology, engineering, and the sciences.

The purpose of this evaluation is to review the content and design of the CareerWISE materials for teaching the critical skills we’re targeting. Participants will explore portions of the CareerWISE material online and will be required to respond to some questionnaires upon completion.

As an incentive for your time, you will receive a $25 gift card redeemable at the ASU Bookstore. There are no foreseeable risks to your participation in this study, and your participation is voluntary. If you choose not to participate or to withdraw from the study at any time, there will be no penalty. You must be 18 or older to participate in the study. All responses to questionnaires will be confidential. The results of this study may be used in reports, presentations, or publications but neither your name nor any identifying information will be disclosed. After you agree to participate in the study, we will assign a random number to identify you throughout the study.

If you wish to participate in this evaluation, please check the box below. Thank you in advance for volunteering for this study.

If you have any questions concerning the research study, please contact Caroline Harrison, the CareerWISE Program Manager, at [email protected]. If you have any questions about your rights as a subject/participant in this research, or if you feel you have been placed at risk, you can contact the Chair of the Human Subjects Institutional Review Board, through the ASU Office of Research Integrity and Assurance, at (480) 965-6788.

Caroline J. Harrison, Ph.D.
Kerrie Wilkins, M.A.
School of Letters and Sciences
ASU Tempe
Overview of Active Listening
This simulation will give you a chance to try out your active listening skills.

In regular or passive listening, we often become so preoccupied with getting our own message across and thinking about what we will say next in an exchange that we forget to listen to what our conversation partners are saying.

Active listening involves:

    * Identifying the critical message being conveyed.

    * Paying as much attention to how it is said as to what is said.

    * Seeking clarification about differences in perception.

    * Asking questions in a way that encourages elaboration.

Next, we ask you to watch a series of conversations. After critical junctures in the exchanges between Bridget and Dr. Haynes you will be asked to choose the best way for Bridget to respond to Dr. Haynes. Keep the active listening skills in mind as you make your selection(s).


This simulation is presented in 4 chapters. In each chapter you will:

  • WATCH a video of an interaction between 2 people

  • SELECT one of the 3 possible ways to continue the interaction

Depending on your selection, you may be presented with 3 more options, or move on to the next chapter or begin the chapter again.

Click here to begin the simulation


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CareerWISE Survey
Begin the survey only when you have completed all 4 chapters of the simulation.

Please read the instructions for each section carefully and select the answers that you think apply to you.

Section 1.
INSTRUCTIONS: Each of the statements below begins with, "When communicating with others..." Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements.

When communicating with others...
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I do not know how to distinguish the more important messages from the less important ones.
I know how to identify the overarching message even when other topics come up.
I know how to recognize when someone I am conversing with is distracted.
I know how to listen and watch for the main points of a speaker's message.
I know how to be consistent in what I’m saying and how I’m saying it.
I know how to quiet my own thoughts in order to listen carefully.
I do not know how to ask for more information rather than specific information.
I know how to ask questions that will encourage the other person to elaborate.
I know how to convey nonverbally that I am interested in what the other person is saying.
I do not know how to recognize nonverbal messages that conflict with one another.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I do not know how to check the accuracy of my interpretations when I perceive a statement to be unclear.
I know how to find out more about the other person’s perspective.
I know how to check whether what I heard is what the speaker meant.
I know how to ask a question that doesn’t give away the answer I’m hoping to receive.
I know how to ensure that I have understood someone’s point of view.
I know how to restate a speaker’s message to verify my understanding.
Please make sure you have answered all the questions on the page.
Section 2.
INSTRUCTIONS: For the next several pages you will be presented with a scenario followed by a number of responses. For each response, please indicate how likely it is to achieve the specified outcome.
Nicole is interested in getting some teaching experience before going out on the academic job market. She’s concerned that Dr. Brown, her advisor, will not be happy about it, as teaching will take time away from her research. She decides to schedule a meeting with Dr. Brown to discuss her concerns. For each opening question, indicate how likely it is to assist Nicole in having an in-depth discussion with Dr. Brown.
Very Unlikely Unlikely Unsure Likely Very Likely
How can I get teaching experience to prepare for the job market without sacrificing my research progress?
Do you think I could take on some teaching responsibilities in the upcoming semester?
Dr. Brown, what are your thoughts about me getting some teaching experience prior to going on the job market?
Are there any teaching possibilities in the department right now?
Please make sure you have answered all the questions on the page.
Dr. Begay called a meeting with Carrie to discuss priorities for the next month. He stated the following, “our main focus is the project that we are currently working on, but I’m also getting a lot of pressure from the editors to make revisions to our book chapter. I think we are going to have to make this a priority. I also know that you are in the midst of data collection for your dissertation so I feel really bad telling you that I need your attention to be on the project we’re currently working on.” Carrie wants to ensure that she understand which of these projects is the main priority. For each of the following responses, indicate how likely it is to assist Carrie in identifying the main point.
Very Unlikely Unlikely Unsure Likely Very Likely
So, if I’m hearing you correctly, we need to focus on the revisions for the book chapter?
Just to clarify, you’d like me to split my time between the current project and my data collection?
It seems hard to really prioritize with the number of tasks that need to be accomplished. So I should put aside my data collection?
Despite all that needs to be done, it appears as though you need me to focus on the current project.
Please make sure you have answered all the questions on the page.
A month ago, Dr. Simpson asked Sarah to organize an informal bi-weekly meeting at which graduate students from the department would present their research to each other. Today is the first of those meetings, and Sarah is presenting her own research to kick things off. During her presentation, she notices that Dr. Simpson appears to be falling asleep and is not paying attention to what she is saying. For each action, indicate how likely it is to assist Sarah in getting his attention.
Very Unlikely Unlikely Unsure Likely Very Likely
Pause for a moment to convey nonverbally that she is waiting for his attention.
Talk as usual while ignoring his lack of interest.
Catch Dr. Simpson’s gaze when he looks up.
Speak with more animation and address him by name.
Please make sure you have answered all the questions on the page.
Dr. Chung, Isabella’s advisor, recently asked her to mentor Collin, a first year undergraduate student who joined their research lab. Isabella decides to meet with Dr. Chung to discuss Collin’s progress. Dr. Chung shares the following with Isabella, “It would be great for Collin to handle the upcoming data collection. I’m not sure if he is going to be a good fit as an undergrad researcher for our lab past this semester, though.” Isabella feels confused by her advisor’s mixed message. For each statement, indicate how likely it is to assist Isabella in ensuring that she understands Dr. Chung’s comment.
Very Unlikely Unlikely Unsure Likely Very Likely
Dr. Chung, I heard two distinct points. Should I assume that you would like Collin to handle the upcoming data collection?
It sounds like you may be disappointed with Collin. Is that correct?
I noticed that you made two different points. You want Collin to handle the upcoming data collection but you may also want to begin looking for someone else. Did I get that right?
I’m confused: are you saying that Collin needs to prove himself before you have him handle the upcoming data collection?
Please make sure you have answered all the questions on the page.
Andrea schedules a meeting with her advisor, Dr. Johnson, to discuss a grant proposal that they have been working on. Andrea often feels rushed when she meets with Dr. Johnson, which results in many of her questions going unanswered. In this instance, Andrea would like Dr. Johnson to give more extensive feedback about the experimental section of the proposal that she is helping him to write. For each opening sentence, indicate how likely it will be to elicit the more elaborate feedback from Dr. Johnson that Andrea wants?
Very Unlikely Unlikely Unsure Likely Very Likely
Am I in charge of writing more than the experimental plan?
What aspects would you like me to emphasize in the experimental section of the proposal?
Are there specific experiments you’d like me to include in the section on the experimental plan?
What suggestions do you have for improving the experimental plan section of the proposal?
Please make sure you have answered all the questions on the page.
Sue schedules a meeting with Dr. Benjamin, her advisor. While there, he states “I strongly recommend that you make a number of revisions to improve your dissertation proposal. A major improvement would be expanding your literature review to more clearly explain how what you’re doing provides a contribution to the field. The plans you have for future data collection don’t seem to be complete, so you’ll need to expand that section as well. Finally, the results you present from your preliminary experiments also seem insufficient, so I’d suggest either re-running those or presenting the analysis in a better way.” For each of the following actions, indicate how likely it is to assist Sue in identifying the main point.
Very Unlikely Unlikely Unsure Likely Very Likely
Based on your feedback, I am gathering that I should make considerable revisions.
It seems as though I should focus on revising how I’ve proposed to analyze the data.
If I understand you correctly, you recommend that I prioritize expanding my literature review as well as revising the results of the preliminary experiment.
So you are suggesting that I first focus on improving my literature review.
Please make sure you have answered all the questions on the page.

Rebecca is struggling to understand some confusing experimental results. Coincidentally, she runs into Dr. Smith, an expert in her field. When she mentions her dilemma, he gladly offers to assist. However, while talking to him the next day he appears preoccupied and offers little in the way of guidance. She’s confused and offended by his mixed messages. For each of the following actions, indicate how likely it is to assist Rebecca in getting Dr. Smith’s help with her project.
Very Unlikely Unlikely Unsure Likely Very Likely
Interpret his distraction as disinterest and ask him about it.
Show confidence and enthusiasm while thanking him for his offer to help.
Convey her disappointment with words and facial expressions.
Notice when he becomes interested and encourage more discussion in those instances.
Please make sure you have answered all the questions on the page.
While Sherese is in the lab, Dr. Gupta enters, takes a look at her experiment and asks her to “rerun the experiment using an alternative procedure.” He then leaves abruptly. Sherese is confused and often feels frustrated by the vagueness of Dr. Gupta’s suggestions. In order to ensure that she has interpreted his feedback correctly she walks to his office to have a discussion. For each statement, indicate how likely it is to assist Sherese in getting some clarity regarding his comments.
Very Unlikely Unlikely Unsure Likely Very Likely
I guess you are really dissatisfied with how I ran the experiment. I have spent several weeks researching the best design and it appears as though you disapprove of my selection.
Dr. Gupta, can I ask why you left the lab in such a hurry?
Dr. Gupta you left the lab quite quickly and I’d like to make sure I understand what you meant. Was it because you were dissatisfied with how I ran the experiment or were you just curious to see the results of another method? Is either of these accurate?
I noticed that you left the lab rather quickly. I am concerned that you might be upset about how I ran the experiment. Are you?
Please make sure you have answered all the questions on the page.
Section 3.
INSTRUCTIONS: Each of the statements below begins with, "When communicating with others..." Please rate your level of confidence in completing the following tasks.

When communicating with others...
No confidence at all Very little confidence Moderate confidence Much confidence Complete confidence
I can elicit additional information even in a short conversation with my advisor.
I can detect the important messages in a conversation with professors.
I can garner a more elaborate response from a terse speaker.
I can verify my perceptions of what the other person is telling me.
I can ensure that I have understood the speaker's message.
I can show that I am interested in a conversation even without words.
I can behave in a manner that is consistent with how I am feeling.
I can identify the intended meaning of a verbal message even when it is phrased ambiguously.
Please make sure you have answered all the questions on the page.
Section 4.
INSTRUCTIONS: Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following items.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Doing this activity was not beneficial for me.
I believe the ability to communicate effectively with my peers is overrated.
It is important for me to understand how to communicate effectively with my advisor.
I think the skills learned from this activity will help me achieve my current goals.
I would be willing to do this type of communication skill building activity again because it has some value to me.
I think that it is important for my academic progress to learn interpersonal communication skills.
I want to master the skills of communicating effectively with the individuals in my field.
I don’t think that learning more about how to listen effectively would be of value to me.
Please make sure you have answered all the questions on the page.
Section 5.
INSTRUCTIONS: Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following items.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
The activity needed more introductory explanations.
I found the activity unnecessarily complex.
I had difficulty understanding some of the terminology used in this activity.
I would recommend a communication activity similar to this one to a friend.
I found the use of terms throughout the activity to be consistent.
This communication skill building activity was difficult to understand.
The instructional support provided in this activity was clear.
This activity has motivated me to improve my communication skills.
I would like to have more opportunities working with technology similar to the one used in this activity.
This activity stimulated my interest and curiosity.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I found this activity to be manageable.
This activity was organized clearly.
I am satisfied with the amount of knowledge that I gained from this activity.
This activity had some annoying features.
The instructional support provided in this activity was adequate.
The activity was user friendly.
Please make sure you have answered all the questions on the page.
Please share any additional comments about your experience in the space below:
Demographic Questions
* What is your age? Write your age in the space below:
* What is your racial/ethnic identification?(Select all that apply)?
Black/African American
Asian/Pacific Islander
Native American/Alaskan Native
Other (please specify)

* Which best describes you?
International Student
U.S. Citizen/Permanent Resident
* What is your country of origin?
* What is your first or primary language?
* What is your current Major?
* In what year did you begin your current program ?
* What is your classification?
* Do you currently have an advisor?
What is the gender of your advisor (if you answered "yes" to the previous question)?
What is the academic status of your advisor (if you answered "yes" to the previous question)?
Academic Advisor
* On a scale of 1 to 100 (1 = very dissatisfied and 100 = very satisfied), how do you rate your current satisfaction with your program?
* Using a percentage (1% = very improbable and 100% = absolute certainty), what is the probability that you will complete your degree requirements?
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