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Dear Participant,

We are inviting you to participate in a research study being conducted by CareerWISE, a research group at Arizona State University (ASU) that is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). CareerWISE includes an internet-based educational resource to support women as they survive and thrive in graduate programs in math, technology, engineering, and the sciences.

The purpose of this evaluation is to review CareerWISE materials on interpersonal communication skills. It will take approximately 1 hour of your time. After participation, you will receive a $20 gift card to delivered electronically.

You will explore portions of the CareerWISE material online and will be asked to respond to some questionnaires.

There are no foreseeable risks to your participation in this study, and your participation is voluntary. If you choose not to participate or to withdraw from the study at any time, there will be no penalty. You must be 18 or older to participate in the study. All responses to questionnaires will be confidential. The results of this study may be used in reports, presentations, or publications but neither your name nor any identifying information will be disclosed.

If you wish to participate in this evaluation, please check the box below.

If you have any questions concerning the research study, please contact Caroline Harrison, the CareerWISE Program Manager, at [email protected]. If you have any questions about your rights as a subject/participant in this research, or if you feel you have been placed at risk, you can contact the Chair of the Human Subjects Institutional Review Board, through the ASU Office of Research Integrity and Assurance, at (480) 965-6788.


Caroline J. Harrison, Ph.D., Program Manager, CareerWISE
CareerWISE Questionnaire
INSTRUCTIONS:The following items relate to your listening style. Select the response that is most appropriate to your style. Please be candid.

Almost Always Often Sometimes Seldom Almost Never
I want to listen to what others have to say when they are talking.
I ask questions when I don’t fully understand a speaker’s message.
I have a purpose for listening when others are talking.
I do not listen at my capacity when others are talking.
I keep control of my biases and attitudes when listening to others speak so that these factors won’t affect my interpretation of the message.
I cannot tell when a speaker’s biases or attitudes are affecting his or her message.
I am aware of whether or not a speaker’s meaning of words and concepts is the same as mine.
By listening, I can guess a speaker’s intent or purpose without being told.
I listen to the complete message before making judgments about what the speaker has said.
I analyze my listening errors so as not to make them again.
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