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Scented Secrets: AGENTS

Exit Survey

This survey was commissioned by Brenda Scott in preparation for next week's get-together.

Our intention is to discover and prepare ourselves to ensure that you get maximum benefit from the time.

The survey is critical to better understand your issues and insights in servicing the industry.

We have some very exciting strategies that are going assist you in being more valuable to your customers...yet more on that later!

Right now we need your focus to answer the following survey. All answers are strictly confidential and are being collected by an independent marketing consultant.

You are invited to participate in our survey [Project Description Here]. In this survey, approximately [Approximate Respondents] people will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about [General Survey Process].

 Thank you very much for your time and honesty.
Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
How long have you been working in the health industry?
Less than a year
1-2 years
2-4 years
More than 5 yeards
Which of the following do you believe would make you more valuable to your customers:
Personal relationship with clients- Trust in the advice given in-store
Efficient, professional service-Clinic sister
Expansion of chain stores
Driving local leads/enquiries to store with coupons, special offers
Partner with your store to help them educate their customers/ deepen the relationship with them
What drives people to buy health products?
Feeling good about themselves
Conscious of keeping healthy, prevention better than cure.
More aware of themselves
Preventive measures
Marketing via media
Market moving more to natural products
What are the most common complaints your customers have about the Health industry?
What do you think drives customers into the stores?
Promotions in-store
Local advertising
Better deals
Staff competitions and targets
Social media
Word of mouth
Newspaper articles
In store training
Local Advertising
Promotions in Store
Personalised service (relationships)
Which of the following groups are the main buyers of our products
House wives
Young Health concious fitness
Which stores / people are key influences in the market you service?
Please indicate your preffered training for the following
Neogenesis Silverlab Beaucience Medimushrooms N/A
to better understand how the product works
material to explain to store owners
short educational videos I can show or email my customers
1 page brochures with all important data
educational emails in a series I can use where appropriate
Testimonials on video with success stories
* What training support do you prefer? 
More than 1 answer is allowed.
educational emails in a series I can use where appropriate material to explain to store owners to better understand how the product works short educational videos I can show or email my customers 1 page brochures with all important data Testimonials on video with success stories Other  
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